Contact form
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Company & Bank details

The company UAB “NT Prooptima” sells condensed milk products and is governed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuania is a member of the European Union and NATO.
Company: UAB “NT Prooptima”
Company I.D. code: 303289278
VAT: LT100015758213
Veterinary code: 130021704
EORI code: LT303289278
Address: J.Savickio str. 4-7, Vilnius
ZIP code: LT-01108
Country: Lithuania
Our bank's details
Bank name: SEB bank
Account: LT627044060007958414
Bank address: Konstitucijos ave. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania
ZIP: LT-08105

Invitation for Cooperation
Always moving towards developing, expanding, and improving our business, so we tend to establish cooperation with companies to the mutual satisfaction of both sides. We would like to invite all that are interested in any cooperation form to contact us directly by phone or send us an e-mail. If you recognize a potential interest for both sides, send us company details, information regarding activities, range of products or services, references, and what you consider as a competitive advantage. We are open to suggestions and making new business contacts.